Saturday, June 3, 2017

they called them 'children' not 'student'

and i meant well
it's teachers' day today. (the day i wrote the post, not the day i posted this)
i have so many things to say and so many blessing to counts, that i decided to write it out, one by one.
to all the teachers of my children

i had an experience to guide 11 year 6 students (of 12 years old boys and girls) for a performance they are going to present it this sunday.
i thought it's gonna be easy.
these kids are big enough as much as independent.
these kids are big enough to grab on things what they need and should do.
these kids are the most seniors and easy to guide!!
these kids are students of khalifah model school.
and how wrong have i been!
nope, they are not bad kids.
but then again, when they show no interest, sign of protest, buat idea sendiri takmo dengar auntie ain cakap and so on.... i was wondering, how did all their teachers survived all these while?
istiqomah, sabar, tekun...
ya allah, it's undescribable.
i could hardly make aidan listen to me the first time i asked him to.
and he is my own son, the most obedient anak of all!
and how could i expect the other 10 can listen??????

it was a brief encounter...
and the more i think of it, the more i knew i owe all the teachers that in my life, all the teachers of my children and all the teachers in this world who has made us the way we are..


i wished i could buy them a Ferragamo bags or an Aigner watches.. just a sign of gratitude.. to all of them... but i guess, for now, cikgu2, kita berangan dulu ye.
when aidan was 4 years old, his was in a small kindi in kemaman.tadika seri budi. i remembered one day, aidan came back and told me "mama, sorry, tadi cikgu ros pukul hand aidan sebab aidan was talking when she was teaching".. he was only 4 and i was so defensive. but, i didn't see any wrong that cikgu ros has done. in fact, she was educating.. and that was his first lesson, respect your teachers!

aimar pulak, was lucky enough to get to know teacher noni during his kindi. anak nombor 2 saya ni, hero sikit. when i heard no complaint about aidan, aimar always made me closer to teachers... "kak, aimar pecah kan cermin mata kawan dia" and they were only four... sampai umur sepuluh tahun cikgu dok message mama "kak, nanti saya nak jumpe akak ye." and my usual suspect was aimar :)

bukanlah makna kata aidan tu tak pernah ada isu. o. he has his issue alright...

aivey, taring die belum tumbuh lagi. she has always be the quite one when in class.. just a total opposite than she is at home. belum dapat gu lagi kot.
i have been posting so many nice things about the teachers of khalifah.. the boys' teachers.
fact is, they are all nice.

pernah masa amik result aimar, teacher cakap "aimar ni kasar sangat, ada cikgu cakap dia kurang ajar"
aidan pun ada turn kene 'sound' ngan cikgu sampai kena ban from joining the qalam jamaei'
and me, being a defensive mother (and tell me, mak mana yang tak defensive?)... kekadang macam nak marah gak, dan kekadang macam sedih gak...

but then again, bila dengar balik cerita anak2 sendiri, i tried putting myself on the teachers' shoes..not my own shoes.. i might know and accepted my sons weaknesses and flaws... but these teachers... jenuh lah kalau semua nak tau and nak accept perangai 'special' anak2 kita satu-persatu... though, trust me when i say, almost all the teachers in KMS knew their students' acts and antics.... it's just the school. the method their using is so workable and o my, they are not just teaching my children, but me and my hubby too...

i remembered being interviewed by teacher lin before aidan and aimar got to be enrolled to the school... mak aii.. boleh cikgu tanye "how do you penalised your kids at home? do you know that in khalifah we don't encourage harshness".. i was like... ishhh.. sekolah pulak nak ajar camne kami nak besarkan anak kami... and me, being defensive (again), terus tanye teacher "why must you asked?" and her answered was not so convincing. she told me "we don't practice beating or hitting or anything harsh. khalifah method is a method that we guide our students to have a good inner speech, out of their own willingness to be good so that they know what is good and what is not. we teach with kindness. and this can only work out if the same applies at home too".
i was like, huh? no harsh punishment? no marah tengking? only kindness???? boleh ke itu macam?
trust me, i was like "does it work?" and she told me "insyaallah".

i was skeptical. but trust me, how wrong have i been... orang kata, bumi mana tak ditimpa hujan. its not all gold and shines, but it's the best they could give to my boys.

alhamdullillah, praise to allah for the blessings.

one of the right thing we did was to have them in a school like kms.
panjang pulak meleretnya...
nak cerita pasal cikgu2, pusing2 bukak citer sekolah.

but then again, if only i could describe the bond the students have with the teachers, the trust the students put on their teachers, the love they had for each others....if only i could....
it is undescribable, indeed...

i was working on the teachers' day event this weekend. one of the task is to do some editing work... the students were interviewing their teachers... i noticed one thing in common.. all of them would describe their students as children.. i love working with the children, i wish the best for the children and so on.... and some how, i was touched.
dear teachers, you've done so much for my kids, and we were strangers...the best gift i could gift (though Ferragamos or aigner sound great) is our prayers.. ya allah,hanya engkau yang mampu membalas jasa2 mereka yang baik budi... moga ilmu2 yang bermanfaat menjadi bekal buat kalian hingga ke jannah..ameen...

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